ICT Breakfast: How to replace the circulation of paper documents?, 31. 10. 2024, 8:25 – 9:30, Prague

Are you thinking about digitizing your documents and processes? Do you want to learn how to easily switch to a more efficient and secure information management solution?

90% of documents in companies are outdated, duplicated or without the necessary relevance. Even today, many companies still print and use documents in paper form, which leads not only to the complications mentioned above, but also to security risks if documents are stored incorrectly or freely accessible.

We invite you to the ICT Breakfast:

How to replace the circulation of paper documents?, 31.10.2024, 8:25 – 9:30, Prague

Come for fresh orange juice, good coffee and great refreshments combined with interesting information, discussions and examples from the world of digitization! We will focus on the issue of using paper documents and show you how the transition to a digitized solution can increase security and efficiency in your company.

We will introduce you to advanced tools that will facilitate the transition to fully electronic document management using automated processes:

• ECM/DMS M-Files, the leading platform for “knowledge work automation”, 
• cloud solution DMS-IN.CLOUD,
M-Files Hubshare, digital workspace for secure collaboration with external entities and document management,
DOCU-X OCR, a tool for intelligent document extraction,
• powerful CRM system Intuo – Company Intelligence, Remarkable Product 2024.

DATE: Thursday 31 October 2024, 8:25 – 9:30 a.m.
VENUE: Digital Resources a.s., Poděbradská 520/24, Praha 9
PRICE: free of charge for 2 people from the company, another person 690 CZK

Good parking in the yard, Kabešova stop (tram 7 and 8) right in front of the entrance.

So don’t hesitate and register today – we look forward to seeing you!

The number of places is limited. Registrations will be processed in order.

Please note that the event will be held in Czech.

Registrace na ICT snídani: Jak nahradit oběh papírových dokumentů?, 31. 10. 2024

Registrace na ICT snídani: Jak nahradit oběh papírových dokumentů?, 31. 10. 2024

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