News from Digital Resources

Conference: Enterprise Information Systems, 4 November 2021, Prague

Conference: Enterprise Information Systems, 4 November 2021, Prague

On Thursday, November 4, 2021, our team attended the conference of BusinessIT, which took place in the Vavruška Congress Center on Prague’s Charles Square. The topic of the event was Enteprise Information Systems. Here is a report and photos directly from the event. Conference: Enterprise Information Systems, 4 November 2021 The conference started at 9.30Read more about Conference: Enterprise Information Systems, 4 November 2021, Prague[…]

Webinar: How to replace the circulation of paper documents, 24. 11. 2021

Webinar: How to replace the circulation of paper documents, 24. 11. 2021

Do you still use paper documents in your company? Are you missing the right tools to replace paper processes, such as approving invoices? Have you experienced problems in your organization due to the use of paper versions? We invite you to our webinar How to replace the circulation of paper documents, 24 November 2021, 10:00Read more about Webinar: How to replace the circulation of paper documents, 24. 11. 2021[…]

Corporate wine tasting, 20 October 2021

Corporate wine tasting, 20 October 2021

On Wednesday, October 20, we organized an internal tasting of Czech and foreign wines. We each evaluated the individual samples and then selected the winning wines, which we will give to our customers and partners. Thanks to everyone for participating! Tasting of wines for our customers and partners      

Webinar: Intelligent Data Extraction via the DOCU-X system

Webinar: Intelligent Data Extraction via the DOCU-X system

Do you have to process invoices manually at your company? Would you like to automate the process of data extraction and document digitization? Unfortunately, 90 % of invoices worldwide are still processed manually. We would like to invite you to our webinar Intelligent Data Extraction via the DOCU-X system, 9 November 2021 As part ofRead more about Webinar: Intelligent Data Extraction via the DOCU-X system[…]

Corporate event – minigolf and dinner, 29 September 2021

Corporate event – minigolf and dinner, 29 September 2021

On Wednesday, September 29, we organized a company-wide teambuilding – first we played a minigolf tournament in the Pirate Bay area in Prague and then we had dinner in the Pizzeria il Pinocchio. Congratulations to the winning team and thank you all for participating! Corporate teambuilding – minigolf and dinner, 29 September 2021    Read more about Corporate event – minigolf and dinner, 29 September 2021[…]

Webinar: Intelligent Data Extraction via the Rossum System, 21 October 2021

Webinar: Intelligent Data Extraction via the Rossum System, 21 October 2021

Are you bothered by manual invoice processing? Would you like to automate the process of data capture and document digitization? Unfortunately, 90% of invoices worldwide are still processed manually. We invite you to our webinar Intelligent Data Extraction via the Rossum System, 21 October 2021 As part of the webinar, we will focus on intelligentRead more about Webinar: Intelligent Data Extraction via the Rossum System, 21 October 2021[…]

Webinar: Information Management immediately and with no worries, 20 October 2021

Webinar: Information Management immediately and with no worries, 20 October 2021

Workers waste upwards of 4 hours per day searching for information and manual, inefficient processes. Are you also having difficulties with finding corporate information? Would you like to manage your content better, but don’t know how? Are you a smaller company and can’t reach a robust ECM (Enterprise Content Management) system? Do you need toRead more about Webinar: Information Management immediately and with no worries, 20 October 2021[…]

Webinar: Innovations in the field of document and information management, 14 October 2021

Webinar: Innovations in the field of document and information management, 14 October 2021

What are the latest trends in document (DMS) and information management? Why is M-Files changing the way the world manages information? How to manage your business processes as efficiently as possible? You can find out all at our webinar! We invite you to the webinar for Innovation Week 2021 Innovations in the field of documentRead more about Webinar: Innovations in the field of document and information management, 14 October 2021[…]