Cooperation of Digital Resources a.s. & Gatema IT, entry of Gatema IT into Orange Solutions

The company Gatema IT and the company Digital Resources, as two important suppliers of business systems and IT services, are expanding their more than fifteen years of cooperation. Interesting business systems and their superstructures and extensive integrated solutions are thus available to customers of both companies. After two months of intensive work on both sides, Gatema IT joined Orange Solutions as part of the new agreement.

Products and services from all three companies are available to customers.

Gatema strengthens its unique position in the field of Helios on the Czech market. Digital Resources is strengthening its position in its key areas of activity, which are:

• own CRM system Intuo – Company Intelligence
• tools for “Knowledge Work Automation” using artificial intelligence tools
M-Files and the area of ​​DMS, ECMS and in general the automation of any business process

“Together we are now stronger than ever and Orange Solutions’ customers will benefit exclusively from this transaction, which is a very friendly takeover.” This goal was the subject of discussions and several months of preparation and setting new rules for closer cooperation between our companies. At the same time, we focus on innovation and, as part of our cooperation, we bring existing and potential customers state-of-the-art solutions that can fundamentally increase their competitiveness,” said Jan Sedláček, Chairman of the Board of Digital Resources a.s., regarding the transaction.

“We appreciate the long-term cooperation and can assure Orange Solutions customers that there is no “sharp cut”, services and support continue to work professionally, just like yesterday, only during the summer our other colleagues will be gradually involved in Orange Solutions activities. Thus, we use common synergies with the aim of providing maximum quality and comfort to our mutual customers,” adds Pavel Pulec, Chairman of the Board of Gatema IT.

In the long term, from Digital Resources’ point of view, Helios represented only units of a percentage of turnover and did not represent a key product in the portfolio. On the contrary, Gatema IT, as one of the most successful partners in the area of ​​Helios, perceives Helios as a key product, and therefore the takeover of Orange Solutions by Gatema IT makes sense for both companies, while simultaneously ensuring excellent cooperation and protecting the interests of mutual customers.