ICT Breakfast: Efficient Invoice Processing, 26. 3. 2025, 2025, 8:25 – 9:30 AM, Prague

Are your company’s invoicing processes lengthy and inaccurate? Do you want to learn how to minimize manual work and eliminate errors?

82% of employees believe that it would be beneficial to have a system for automatic processing and sorting of documents, such as invoices, in their company. Manual data entry, complex approval processes and unclear invoice storage can lead to extended payment terms, financial losses and unnecessary burden on employees.

We invite you to a great breakfast:

Efficient invoice processing, 26. 3. 2025, 8:25 – 9:30 A.M., Prague

You can look forward to fresh orange juice and coffee combined with interesting information, inspiring discussions and practical demonstrations of automated invoice processing! We will show you how modern technologies help companies speed up and streamline the entire process – from receiving an invoice to its payment.

We will present you with specific solutions that will help you with digitalization and efficient invoice processing::

M-Files, the leading platform for Knowledge Work Automation and its cloud version DMS-IN.CLOUD,

M-Files Aino artificial intelligence,

DOCU-X OCR intelligent data extraction system,

• CRM system Intuo – Company Intelligence, Remarkable Product 2024. 

DATE: Wednesday, 26. 3. 2025, 8:25 – 9:30 A.M.
VENUE: Digital Resources a.s., Poděbradská 520/24, Praha 9
PRICE: free for 2 people from the company, additional person 690 CZK

Good parking in the yard, Kabešova stop (tram 7 and 8) right in front of the entrance.

Don’t hesitate and register today – we look forward to seeing you!

The number of places is limited. Registrations will be processed in order.

Please note that the event will be held in Czech.

Registrace na ICT snídani: Efektivní procesování faktur, 26. 3. 2025

Registrace na ICT snídani: Efektivní procesování faktur, 26. 3. 2025

Pro úspěšnou registraci, prosíme, nejprve potvrďte cookies na webu a až poté odešlete formulář.

V souvislosti s Nařízením (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), které upravuje zpracování osobních údajů, souhlasím s evidováním a zpracováním osobních údajů.*
Souhlasím s užíváním osobních údajů pro účel zasílání marketingových sdělení (novinky a zajímavé informace z oblasti podnikových informačních systémů, pozvánky na odborné semináře a další akce).*