News from Digital Resources

Invitation the the ICT Breakfast: Comparison of different ERP platforms, 20th March, Prague

Invitation the the ICT Breakfast: Comparison of different ERP platforms, 20th March, Prague

We would like to invite you to our technological breakfast focused on ERP systems that will take place on 20th March 2019 at the conference room of Digital Resources. ICT Breakfast: Comparison of different ERP platforms DATE: 20. 3. 2019, 8:25 – 9:30 PLACE: Digital Resources a.s., Poděbradská 24, Prague 9 FEE: free for 2Read more about Invitation the the ICT Breakfast: Comparison of different ERP platforms, 20th March, Prague[…]

Seminar: Document and invoice approval, corporate workflow

Seminar: Document and invoice approval, corporate workflow

On Wednesday, 21 November, we organized another seminar in our offices called Document and invoice approval, corporate workflow We covered these topics: Corporate workflow, invoice approval processes. Document lifecycle and underestimated risks of paper document circulation. Intelligent data mining, interconnection with the enterprise system. Streamlining of business processes and automation. We introduced specific top toolsRead more about Seminar: Document and invoice approval, corporate workflow[…]

Invitation to the seminar: Document and invoice approval, corporate workflow, 21 November 2018, Prague

Invitation to the seminar: Document and invoice approval, corporate workflow, 21 November 2018, Prague

We invite you to our seminar entitled Document and invoice approval, corporate workflow Come to fresh orange juice, good coffee and great refreshments accompanied by interesting demonstrations and themes! Date: 21st November 2018, 9.30 – 11.00 Venue: Digital Resources a. s., Poděbradská 24, Prague 9 Fee: free for 2 persons from your company, other personRead more about Invitation to the seminar: Document and invoice approval, corporate workflow, 21 November 2018, Prague[…]

Invitation to ICT Breakfast: Comparison of different ERP platforms, 11.10.2018

Invitation to ICT Breakfast: Comparison of different ERP platforms, 11.10.2018

We invite you to our ICT Breakfast called Comparison of different ERP platforms The program includes introduction and practical demonstrations of ERP systems running on different platforms, via an Internet client or an internal corporate network. We will focus on the use and benefits that each platform brings to companies. These areas will be covered:Read more about Invitation to ICT Breakfast: Comparison of different ERP platforms, 11.10.2018[…]