Webinar: The glory and misery of artificial intelligence, AI in corporate practice today and in the near future, 16. 10. 2024, 10:00 – 10:40

What are the benefits and pitfalls of using artificial intelligence (AI) in a business environment? What to watch out for and how to be one step ahead of the competition?

79% of executives see the use of AI as a key factor in keeping their business competitive. Organizations often lack a plan and vision to transition from individual private use of AI to its use in an enterprise environment. It is important to learn to distinguish between these approaches to ensure safety and effectiveness in different contexts. While AI for personal use can simplify everyday tasks and improve individual productivity, in a corporate environment it must meet stricter criteria in terms of both security and reliability.

We invite you to a webinar as part of the Innovation Week 2024

The glory and misery of artificial intelligence, AI in corporate practice today and in the near future, 16. 10. 2024, 10:00 – 10:40

As part of the webinar, we will introduce you to M-Files – a leader platform for knowledge work automation and a successful DMS/ECM system. Following this, you will also get to know the artificial intelligence Aino, which is built right into M-Files. Thanks to Aino, you can always reliably find exactly what you are looking for across the entire repository. Microsoft Copilot fans will be pleased with the integration, thanks to which all content from M-Files can be accessed directly in the Copilot user interface. Get ahead of the competition and register for our free webinar, we look forward to seeing you!

Please note that the webinar will be held in Czech.